Consulting - Marketing Data & Technology Strategy
In order to win in today’s consumer-driven market, marketers need a platform that aligns with their strategy, easy to integrate and activate, and agile for growth and innovation. With so much data, technology and service providers you may be asking yourself, where or how do I start? That’s where 444 Ignite Consulting Services come in. We provide the following:
Data Strategy Development
Data Monetization Strategy
Analytics Strategy
Marketing Technology Evaluation
Customer Insights
We have a Consumer Intelligence Engine rich with in-market consumer transactions and behaviors that reveal:
Who the category consumers are and how they transact with brands
Where they search online, store visits, shop, and buy
Their attitudes, lifestyles, and what drives their behavior
What media channels they consume and when do they engage
Advanced Analytics
Analytics can be challenging, especially when your team lacks the skills, tools, and methods. We can help you bridge the gap with the following solutions:
Customer File analysis & enhancement
Customer Profile & Segmentation
Custom Models
Business Analytics
Analytics SAAS Applications
Strategic Media Planning
We use advanced analytics methods to plan, predict and simulate performance outcomes. Moreover, we manage the complexities of determining the right message, right audience, right time,
right channel/s and right format.
Consumer/Market Profiles
Media Mix Modeling
Media Measurement & Optimization
Data Solutions
In the digital age data is king. It’s not about how much data you have. Rather, how much data do you have that will intimately connect you to your consumers. We have relationships with world-class providers of data and insights.
Data Sourcing/Licensing
Data Sampling & Evaluation
Data Syndication